Maps & Design

Parchment Colour Style
One of the most popular options, my parchment style is a fantasy map classic! The colours and texturing are created to evoke the feeling of an antiqued paper or parchment. The perfect map to accompany a medieval fantasy story.

Partial Colour Style
A partial colour map is designed to have two main colours (usually land and sea), without forgetting the trademark texturing which gives Kellerica maps their flavour. A perfect choice for when you need something atmoshperic while still elegant and readable.

Full Colour Style
The most complex of the styles on offer, a full colour map includes a more detailed colour scheme both within the coastlines and around them. If you need your map to show different terrains, climates or political regions in more detail, the full colour style is your best choice.

Greyscale Style
A greyscale map is the way to go when you're in the need of something simple and printer friendly for physical books. While the main goal is depicting the landmarks as clearly as possible, it doesn't mean the map has to be without character or texture.